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© 2010-2023 by Architectur  Studio G. Bonardi & Partners


Privacy Notice for the Processing of Personal Data


Notice pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, the Code on the protection of personal data, and European Regulation on the protection of personal data No. 679/2016 (GDPR).

Data Controller The data controller, as required by current laws, is Arch. Guido Bonardi, located in Brescia, via Badia no. 107, postal code 25126 Brescia, Tel. 030280039, Email: info@architetturabonardi.it

Legal Basis for Processing This website primarily processes data based on user consent. Consent is given through the banner at the bottom of the page or by using or browsing the website, which implies conclusive behavior. By using or browsing the site, visitors and users approve this privacy notice and consent to the processing of their personal data in accordance with the methods and purposes described below, including any disclosure to third parties if necessary to provide a service. Additional consents related to the specific purpose of the service are collected through communication forms or service request forms. The provision of data and, consequently, consent for data collection and processing is optional, and users can deny consent at any time and revoke any previously given consent (via the banner at the bottom of the page or browser cookie settings or the Contact link). However, denying consent may result in the inability to provide certain services and compromise the browsing experience on the website.

Data for website security, prevention of abuse and spam, as well as data for website traffic analysis (statistics) in aggregated form, are processed based on the legitimate interest of the data controller in protecting the website and its users. In such cases, users always have the right to object to data processing (see User Rights section). Data provided for consulting or professional assignments are processed based on the fulfillment of a contract and legal obligations. In such cases, a specific notice is provided.

Processing Purposes In addition to purposes related to the provision of services, data collected by the website is processed for the following purposes:

Statistics (analysis): Collection of data and information in exclusively aggregated and anonymous form to verify the correct functioning of the website. None of this information is related to the individual user of the website, and it does not allow identification in any way. No consent is required.

Security: Collection of data and information to protect the website's security (anti-spam filters, firewall, virus detection) and users, and to prevent or reveal fraud or abuses that could harm the website. Data is automatically logged and may include personal data (IP address) that could be used, in accordance with applicable laws, to block attempts to damage the website or harm other users or engage in harmful or criminal activities. This data is never used for user identification or profiling and is periodically deleted. No consent is required.

Ancillary Activities: Communicating data to third parties who perform necessary or instrumental functions for the operation of the service and allowing third parties to perform technical, logistical, and other activities on our behalf. Providers have access only to the personal data necessary to carry out their tasks and are committed not to use the data for other purposes and to process personal data in accordance with current regulations.

Consultations and Professional Assignments: In the case of voluntarily providing data for professional consulting or assignments, the data will be used solely for the evaluation of the assignment and its eventual fulfillment. In such cases, a specific notice is provided.

Data Collected This website collects user data in two ways.

Data Collected Automatically: During user browsing, the following information may be collected, which is stored in the server log files (hosting):

  • Internet Protocol (IP) address;
  • Browser type;
  • Device parameters used to connect to the site;
  • Name of the Internet Service Provider (ISP);
  • Date and time of the visit;
  • Referral web page of the visitor and exit page;
  • Number of clicks.

These data are used for statistical and analytical purposes in exclusively aggregated form. The IP address is used exclusively for security and is not cross-referenced with any other data.

Voluntarily Provided Data: The site may collect other data in the case of voluntary use of services by users, such as appointment request services or communication (forms on the upper right of the page, etc.), and will be used solely for providing the requested service:

  • Name;
  • Email address;
  • Any additional data sent spontaneously by the user.

Data Processing Location Data is processed at the data controller's location and at the web hosting data center (Lexun Logos Engineering Srl, located at Via Isolato Egadi, 12/B, 91025 Marsala TP; info@logosengineering.it). Lexun Logos Engineering Srl is located within the European Economic Area and operates in compliance with European regulations.

Data Retention Period The data collected by the website during its operation is stored for the time strictly necessary to carry out the specified activities. After this period, the data will be deleted or anonymized unless there are additional purposes for retaining it. Data (IP address) and data for analytical purposes (statistics) are stored in an aggregated form for 24 months.

Transfer of Collected Data to Third Parties Generally, data collected by the website is not provided to third parties, except in specific cases: legitimate requests from judicial authorities and only in cases provided for by law, when it is necessary to provide a specific service requested by the user, for security checks or website optimization.

Transfer of Data to Non-EU Countries This website may share some of the data collected with services located outside the European Union. In particular, with Google, Facebook, and Microsoft (LinkedIn) through social plugins and Google Analytics. The transfer is authorized based on specific decisions of the European Union and the Data Protection Authority, especially decision 1250/2016 (Italian Data Protection Authority's informative page on Privacy Shield). Further information on data usage by Google Analytics can be found here: Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites. Users can selectively disable data collection by Google Analytics by installing the appropriate Google-provided component on their browser (opt-out).

Social Network Plugins This website also incorporates plugins and/or buttons to enable easy content sharing on your favorite social networks. When you visit a page on our website that contains a plugin, your browser connects directly to the social network's servers, from which the plugin is loaded. This server can track your visit to our website and, if applicable, associate it with your social account, especially if you are logged in at the time of your visit or have recently browsed one of the websites containing social plugins. If you do not want the social network to record information about your visit to our website, you must log out of your social account and probably delete the cookies that the social network has installed in your browser. The collection and use of information by third parties are governed by their respective privacy notices to which you should refer.

Email Usage in Customer Relations Emails in customer and colleague relations are used in accordance with the code of ethics and privacy regulations (Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, the Code on the protection of personal data, and European Regulation - European Regulation on the protection of personal data No. 679/2016, GDPR).

User Rights

According to European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR), the user may, in the manner and within the limits provided by current regulations, exercise the following rights:

  • Object in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning them for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for conducting market research or commercial communication;
  • Request confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning them (right of access);
  • Know its origin;
  • Receive comprehensible communication;
  • Have information about the logic, methods, and purposes of the processing;
  • Request the updating, rectification, integration, deletion, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data that does not need to be stored for the purposes for which it was collected;
  • In cases of processing based on consent, receive their data provided to the data controller, in a structured and readable form by an electronic data processing device and in a format commonly used by an electronic device, for the sole cost of any support;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Italian Data Protection Authority - see the Data Protection Authority's page);
  • In general, exercise all the rights recognized by current legal provisions. Requests should be sent to the Data Controller. These rights can be exercised through the following methods:
  • Sending an email to the following address: info@architetturabonardi.it
  • Sending a certified email to the following address: guido.bonardi@archiworldpec.it
  • Sending a registered letter with return receipt to the following address: Arch. Guido Bonardi, via Badia no. 107, postal code 25126 Brescia.

For further information or updates, please visit the Data Protection Authority's website (http://www.garanteprivacy.it).